Before you start

For this assignment a docker-compose.yml file is provided to easily build and run all required services in Docker containers. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Please install the latest version for this assignment. Also take a look at the Compose file reference.

For this assignment the following containers are defined in the docker-compose.yml file:

zookeeper-serverA Zookeeper server instance. Kafka requires Zookeeper to run.
kafka-serverA single Kafka server instance.
producerA Kafka producer running the Producer application.
transformerA Kafka stream processor running the Transformer application.
consumerA Kafka consumer running the Consumer application and the visualizer. The visualizer can be accessed when the service is running by navigating to localhost:1234.
eventsA Kafka consumer subscribed to the events topic, writing records to the console. Useful for debugging.
updatesA Kafka consumer subscribed to the updates topic, writing records to the console. Useful for debugging.

To start the containers, navigate to the repository root directory and run docker-compose up. This will build and start all the containers defined in the compose file. To start over, stop and remove everything with docker-compose down.

The Transformer application, which you will develop for this assignment, is built and run in the transformer service container. To start an interactive sbt shell use docker-compose exec transformer sbt from the repository root. From there, you can compile and run the Transformer application. Make sure the other services are up before starting your streams application. You can stop your application before running it again after changing the source using CTRL+C.

You can use the following docker-compose commands to interact with your running containers:

docker-compose upCreate and start containers.
docker-compose up -dCreate and start containers in the background.
docker-compose downStop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes.
docker-compose startStart services.
docker-compose restartRestart services.
docker-compose stopStop services.
docker-compose rmRemove stopped containers.
docker-compose logs --follow <SERVICE>View and follow log output from containers.

For a full list of available commands please refer to the CLI Reference.