
OpenStreetMap is a project where you can download free geographic data from the whole world. Such data will be used as the only data source for our queries in this lab. The project has an excellent Wiki where a lot of information about the structure of the dataset may be found.

OpenStreetMap data knows three map elements:

  • Nodes : a single point on the map, e.g. to mark the location of a brewery.
  • Ways : an ordered lists of nodes, e.g. to represent (a part of) a street.
  • Relations : a group of other elements, e.g. to represent the boundary and center of a city.

All map elements may have associated tags that expose more information about what they represent. For example, we may look at some node, and find that it represents the Delft central station, with the following tags:

wikipedianl:Station Delft

Many tags have an explanation on the Wiki, for example the wheelchair tag, where its value describes an indication of the level of accessibility for people in wheelchairs to, in this case, the station.

Feel free to browse around the wiki to discover other tags. We can spoil that this page contains some useful tags that you may want to use for your lab assignments.

Preparing the dataset for Lab 1

We will now explain how to prepare our dataset for lab 1. Because the query that we are interested in is too large to process during our initial short development iterations of implementing and debugging, its useful to start off with a small subset of the data (in lab 1), until your implementation is stable enough to be moved to a large cluster (in lab 2), to process the whole thing!

Furthermore, to be able to leverage SparkSQL, we must convert the OpenStreetMap data to a tabular format. We will use the ORC format for this. Follow the steps below to end up with an ORC file for lab 1.

Luckily, some people have already chopped up the whole world into manageable pieces. In our case, we will start off with just the Netherlands, where Delft is located. Also, some people have written a conversion tool for us already, that helps us convert the .osm.pbf file into an .orc file.

  • Download the Netherlands. You need to get the .osm.pbf file.

  • Download and extract v.0.5.5 of osm2orc (click the link to download immediately).

  • Run osm2orc to obtain the ORC file of the Netherlands. osm2orc can be found in the bin/ folder of the tool. Example usage in Linux:

./osm2orc /path/to/netherlands-latest.osm.pbf /destination/for/netherlands.orc

You can also use the Dockerfile provided in the lab 1 repository to build an image that includes this tool:

  • First build the osm2orc image (from the root of the lab 1 repository):
docker build --target osm2orc -t osm2orc .
  • Run the conversion tool in a container. Make sure the source .osm.pbf file is downloaded in your current working directory.
docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/io osm2orc /io/netherlands-latest.osm.pbf /io/netherlands.orc

You will now have the netherlands.orc file somewhere on your machine. We will use this file as our input. Make sure you understand how to load the file into Spark.

OpenStreetMap schema

Once you have loaded the data set, it's possible to print out the schema of the data, for example, on the Spark shell. Note that this assumes you have loaded the data set as a Spark DataFrame called df.

scala> df.printSchema()
 |-- id: long (nullable = true)
 |-- type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- tags: map (nullable = true)
 |    |-- key: string
 |    |-- value: string (valueContainsNull = true)
 |-- lat: decimal(9,7) (nullable = true)
 |-- lon: decimal(10,7) (nullable = true)
 |-- nds: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- ref: long (nullable = true)
 |-- members: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- type: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- ref: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- role: string (nullable = true)
 |-- changeset: long (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- uid: long (nullable = true)
 |-- user: string (nullable = true)
 |-- version: long (nullable = true)
 |-- visible: boolean (nullable = true)

And we may look at a tiny part of the data, say the first three rows:

|     id|type|tags|       lat|      lon|nds|members|changeset|          timestamp|uid|user|version|visible|
|2383199|node|  []|52.0972000|4.2997000| []|     []|        0|2011-10-31 12:45:53|  0|    |      3|   true|
|2383215|node|  []|52.0990543|4.3002070| []|     []|        0|2020-01-08 20:50:29|  0|    |      6|   true|
|2716646|node|  []|52.0942524|4.3354580| []|     []|        0|2011-12-26 23:12:28|  0|    |      3|   true|

Here we can observe that the first three rows are elements of the "node" type. Note that there are two other types of elements, as explained previously. We also have the "way" and "relation". There are all flattened into this single table by the conversion tool.

How big is this dataframe?

scala> df.count()
res1: Long = 130506997

It has over 130 million rows already, and this is just the Netherlands!