
Your task is to run your Spark application on the entire OpenStreetMap data set. The entire planet is available on Amazon S3. Processing the entire planet requires a significant amount of resources, which is why an iterative process of improving your application and running it on increasing input data set sizes is required.

Start by downloading a bigger country from Geofabrik and convert it to an ORC file locally. Before running your application on Amazon EMR you should run your application locally on a bigger data set. This helps you catch performance and scalability issues early-on and prevents you from wasting AWS credits.

Use the Spark tuning guide and the SQL performance tuning page to understand how you can improve the scalability and performance of your application.

Running your application on Amazon EMR

Please review the information presented in the getting started guide, where it is explained how to spawn your own cluster and how to upload your application to it.

To run Spark on multiple nodes we are using EMR for this assignment. Selecting suitable instance types and cluster configurations to efficiently map resource requirements from your application is an important part of this assignment. Next to modifying your application, understanding resource utilization and using different cluster configurations are part of the iterative process to efficiently scale your application.

When you feel confident your application is ready to process a bigger input data set (the Netherlands should run in minutes on a modern laptop), you can package your application for execution on EMR. The sbt-assembly plugin (to build fat JARs - that include dependencies you can use to optimize your implementation) is available in your project so run the assembly command to package your application.

Please note:

  • Always start with a small number of small instance types e.g. 1 master node (c5.xlarge) and 5 core nodes (c5.xlarge). Make sure your application is scalable before spinning up large clusters (and/or more expensive instance types) to prevent wasting credits.

  • Check the following links for information about configuring Spark on EMR:

  • You don't have to specify a master in your Spark Session builder or in the arguments of spark-submit.

  • Write the resulting ORC file to your S3 bucket. (s3://<your-bucket>/output.orc)

  • Scalability comes at a cost, you can't ignore a proper trade-off between runtime and cost. For example, decreasing the run time by 10% while increasing the monetary cost by 500% is typically not acceptable.

Data sets on S3

The following data sets of increasing size are available on S3 and can be used in your iterative development process:


  1. France (1.2 GB) - s3://abs-tudelft-sbd-2022/france.orc
  2. United States (8.8 GB) - s3://abs-tudelft-sbd-2022/north-america.orc
  3. Europe (27.7 GB) - s3://abs-tudelft-sbd-2022/europe.orc
  4. Planet (75.8 GB) - s3://osm-pds/planet/planet-latest.orc


  • Parquet files are in: s3://abs-tudelft-sbd-2022/ALPSMLC30.parquet/
  • The Parquet files contain statistics that help reduce the amount of time it takes to load a file. For example, for a so-called row-group, it stores the minimum and maximum values of numeric columns. If you apply a latitude and longitude range filter on the ALOS data set immediately after loading, Spark will push down this filter to the Parquet reader. This causes only row groups within a certain latitude or longitude range to be loaded from storage, rather than loading all ALOS points for the whole world. This will save you a significant amount of time.