Field descriptors

A field descriptor describes either a single field or an array of fields. Each field produced by a field descriptor has exactly the same characteristics, but maps to a different bitrange, and uses a different array index on the register file interface. These bitranges are described by means of a base bitrange (bitrange, optionally offset by address), a repeat count (repeat) and the necessary strides (stride, field-stride and field-repeat). Such repetition is useful when you have an array of similar registers, for instance in a DMA controller with multiple channels, where each channel has its own set of status and control flags.

Note that this means that you can have four kinds of field descriptors:

  • singular scalar fields,
  • singular vector fields,
  • repeated/array scalar fields, and
  • repeated/array vector fields.

In the VHDL world, scalar vs. vector is distinguished by the base type used for interface signals: std_logic for scalar, and std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0) for vectors. By default, ports that belong to the same field are gathered into a record. This record in turn becomes an array of records for repeated fields, indexed using (0 to N-1). This record and/or the arrays of std_logic_vectors can be flattened away if needed using the interface structure.

The fields themselves as well as the registers they reside in have identifiers and documentation attachted to them (mnemonic, name, brief, doc, register-*). These are obviously used for documentation generation, but also in the generated code in various ways, depending on the language backend used. A zero-indexed integer suffix is automatically added for arrays of fields.


The behavior of the field is determined by the behavior key and associated configuration. There are predefined behaviors for a lot of functions commonly and less commonly seen in commercial peripheral register files. On rare occasions where none of the predefined behaviors fit what you need, you can use the custom behavior, which lets you specify the field-specific VHDL code directly.

Access to the field can optionally be denied based on the AXI4L aw_prot and ar_prot fields (read-deny and write-deny). The VHDL code generated for the field can be further customized using the interface key.

Field behaviors can be read-write, read-only, or write-only. Read-only fields can overlap with write-only fields.

Logical registers and blocks

When parsing a register file description, vhdmmio flattens the field descriptors into fields, and then groups them again by address and operation (read/write). Such groups are called logical registers.

It is important to note here that even though each field essentially describes the shape of the logical register that surrounds it using the addressing keys, logical registers cannot overlap. The only exception is that a logical register with only write-only fields can overlap/differ from a logical register with only read-only fields.

A logical register consists of one or more blocks. A block is a single addressable unit, consisting of a base addess and a mask. The mask allows the block to be bigger than a single bus word, by ignoring one or more bits in the comparison. Some field behaviors use these ignored bits for purposes other than address matching; for example, the AXI passthrough behavior uses them to construct the downstream bus addresses.

Multiple blocks are assigned to a logical register when it has fields mapped to it with bit indices beyond the width of the bus; the higher-order bits carry over into a neighboring block until all fields have a place. Either little- or big-endian mode can be specified for this; in little-endian mode the LSB of the logical register resides in the first block, while in big-endian mode the MSB resides in the first block.

The addresses of the blocks are computed by binary-incrementing the non-masked bits address. For example, if the base address for a field is specified to end with binary 10--10--, consecutive blocks will be at addresses 10--11--, 11--00--, 11--01--, and so on.

Atomic access to multi-block registers

vhdmmio ensures that logical registers that span multiple blocks are accessed atomically by means of holding registers. It does so by inferring central read/write holding registers as large as the largest logical register in the register file minus the bus width. For reads, reading from the first block actually performs the read, delivering the low/high word to the bus immediately (little-/big-endian), and saving the rest in the read holding register. Reads to the subsequent blocks simply return whatever is in the holding register. The inverse is done for writes: writing to the last block actually performs the write, while the preceding accesses write the data and strobe signals to the write holding register.

The advantage of sharing holding registers is that it reduces the size of the address decoder and read multiplexer; many addresses taking data from the same source is advantageous for both area and timing. The primary disadvantage is that it only works properly when the blocks are accessed sequentially and completely. It is up to the bus master to enforce this; if it fails to do so, accesses may end up reading or writing garbage. You can therefore generally NOT mix purely AXI4L multi-master systems with multi-block registers.

If you need both multi-block registers and have multiple masters, either use full AXI4 arbiters and use the ar_lock/aw_lock signals appropriately, ensure mutually-exclusive access by means of software solutions, or implement the desired behavior yourself. The necessary write holding registers are essentially just control fields, while the read holding registers are latching fields.

Multi-block registers with shared holding registers also has security implications: a malicious piece of code may intentionally try to violate the aforementioned assumptions to manipulate or eavesdrop accesses made by another program/bus master. This is particularly important when the AXI4L aw_prot or ar_prot signals are used to restrict access to certain fields. More information on this subject can be found here.

Configuration keys

This structure supports the following configuration keys.


This key describes the behavior of this field or array of fields.

This key can take the following values:

  • primitive: base class for regular field behavior. Normally not used directly; it's easier to use one of its specializations:

    • Constant fields for reading the design-time configuration of the hardware:

      • constant: field which always reads as the same constant value.

      • config: field which always reads as the same value, configured through a generic.

    • Status fields for monitoring hardware:

      • status: field which always reflects the current state of an incoming signal.

      • internal-status: field which always reflects the current state of an internal signal.

      • latching: status field that is only updated by hardware when a write-enable flag is set.

    • Control fields for configuring hardware:

      • control: basic control field, i.e. written by software and read by hardware.

      • internal-control: like control, but drives an internal signal.

    • Flag-like fields for signalling events from hardware to software:

      • flag: one flag per bit, set by hardware and explicitly cleared by an MMIO write.

      • volatile-flag: like flag, but implicitly cleared on read.

      • internal-flag: like flag, but set by an internal signal.

      • volatile-internal-flag: combination of volatile-flag and internal-flag.

    • Flag-like fields for signalling requests from software to hardware:

      • strobe: one flag per bit, strobed by an MMIO write to signal some request to hardware.

      • internal-strobe: one flag per bit, strobed by an MMIO write to signal some request to another vhdmmio construct.

      • request: like strobe, but the request flags stay high until acknowledged by hardware.

      • multi-request: allows multiple software-to-hardware requests to be queued up atomically by counting.

    • Fields for counting events:

    • Fields for interfacing with AXI streams:

  • Fields for interfacing with AXI4-lite busses:

    • axi: connects a field to an AXI4-lite master port for generating hierarchical bus structures.
  • Fields for controlling vhdmmio-managed interrupts:

  • custom: allows you to specify the field-specific VHDL code manually.

Depending on the value, additional configuration keys may be supported or required. These must be specified in the same dictionary that this key resides in. Refer to the documentation for the individual values for more information.


This key specifies the base address and block mask for the logical register that the first field described by this descriptor resides in.

The following values are supported:

  • an integer above or equal to 0: specifies the byte address. The address LSBs that index bytes within the bus word are ignored per the AXI4L specification.

  • a hex/bin integer with don't cares: as before, but specified as a string representation of a hexadecimal or binary integer which may contain don't cares (-). The don't care bits mask out address bits in addition to the byte index LSBs. In hexadecimal integers, bit-granular don't-cares can be specified by inserting four-bit binary blocks enclosed in square braces in place of a hex digit.

  • <address>/<size>: as before, but the number of ignored LSBs is explicitly set. This is generally a more convenient notation to use when assigning large blocks of memory to a field.

  • <address>|<ignore>: specifies the byte address and ignored bits using two integers. Both integers can be specified in hexadecimal, binary, or decimal. A bit which is set in the <ignore> value is ignored by the address matcher.

  • <address>&<mask>: specifies the byte address and mask using two integers. Both integers can be specified in hexadecimal, binary, or decimal. A bit which is not set in the <ignore> value is ignored by the address matcher.

This key is required.


This key specifies additional address match conditions for the logical register surrounding the fields described by this descriptor. These are primarily intended to construct paged or indirect-access register files, which may be useful when not enough address space is allocated to the register file to fit all the registers, or when you want to emulate legacy register files such as a 16550 UART.

The value for this key must match for all fields in the register, so if you use this, it is recommended to use the subfields key to group all fields that belong to the register together so you only have to specify it once. In the future, vhdmmio may be extended to allow this value to be field-specific.

This key must be set to a list of dictionaries, of which the structure is defined here.

This key is optional. Not specifying it is equivalent to specifying an empty list.


This key specifies the endianness of the logical register surrounding the fields described by this descriptor.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): the endianness is taken from the global default (little), the register file default specified in the features key, or from other fields within the register that do specify a value.

  • little: the logical register is little endian. That is, when multiple blocks are needed to describe the field(s), bit 0 of the register resides in the first block.

  • big: the logical register is big endian. That is, when multiple blocks are needed to describe the field(s), bit 0 of the register resides in the last block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the position of the first field described by this descriptor within the surrounding logical register, and specifies its vectorness.

Bit indices cannot go below 0, but they can be greater than or equal to the bus width. In this case, the field "spills over" into the subsequent block. For instance, for a 32-bit bus and little-endian endianness, 8:47..8 maps to:

Address 31..24 23..16 15..8 7..0 Block name
0x08 23..16 15..8 7..0 ...L
0x0C 39..32 31..24 ...H

For big-endian it would be:

Address 31..24 23..16 15..8 7..0 Block name
0x08 39..32 31..24 ...H
0x0C 23..16 15..8 7..0 ...L

Following the usual nomenclature, 0x08 and 0x0C would be two different registers, usually called high and low or some abbreviation thereof. vhdmmio calls 0x08 and 0x0C physical registers (or, more generally, blocks, which can have an arbitrary bitmask for the address), which together form a single logical register.

Some output formats require unique names/mnemonics for blocks. Since names can only be specified for logical registers as a whole, vhdmmio needs to uniquify the identifiers on its own. It does this using the following rules:

  • logical registers with one block do not receive any name/mnemonic suffix.
  • logical registers with two blocks receive _high/H and _low/L suffixes for their name/mnemonic based on endianness.
  • logical registers with more than two blocks receive alphabetical suffixes based on the block index (that is, regardless of endianness). The name suffixes have the form _<lowercase>, while the mnemonic suffixes are simply an uppercase letter.

When the block address bitmask is nontrivial, the "subsequent block" concept requires further elaboration. Consider for instance the address 0b10--10-- in a 32-bit register file. You could argue that the next block is 0b11--10-- or 0b10--11--. vhdmmio opts for the latter. Specifically, the final block addresses for each block and each of the the four subaddresses would become:

Block Mask Sub 0 Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3
0 0b10--10-- 0x088 0x098 0x0A8 0x0B8
1 0b10--11-- 0x08C 0x09C 0x0AC 0x0BC
2 0b11--00-- 0x0C0 0x0D0 0x0E0 0x0F0
3 0b11--01-- 0x0C4 0x0D4 0x0E4 0x0F4
4 0b11--10-- 0x0C8 0x0D8 0x0E8 0x0F8
5 0b11--11-- 0x0CC 0x0DC 0x0EC 0x0FC
6 0b100--00-- 0x100 0x110 0x120 0x130
... ... ... ... ... ...

For field descriptors that describe an array of fields through the repeat key, this bitrange specifies the position of the first field in the array. Subsequent field positions are inferred based on field-stride and field-repeat.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): the field occupies the entire bus word, and is thus a vector of the same size as the bus.

  • an integer above or equal to 0: the field occupies a single bit with the specified index, and is thus a scalar.

  • <high>..<low>: the field occupies the given inclusive bitrange, and is thus a vector of size <high> - <low> + 1.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies how the subaddress for this field is generated. This subaddress is used for memory-like fields, that need an address in addition to read/write data.

If you leave this list empty or unspecified, the default is to build the subaddress by concatenating the masked word address bits. This is usually what you want. For instance, putting a 64-bit AXI field into a 32-bit register file yields an address like 0b----0--. The block with the first halfword then resides at that address, while the block with the second halfword is at 0b----1--. The four don't-cares to the left of the block index bit form the subaddress, which the AXI field uses as a 64-bit word address, leading to natural ordering.

For more advanced use cases, you can use this key to specify the structure of the subaddress manually. It must be a list of so-called components, each of which represents one or more subaddress bits taken from some source. The source can be the incoming address, an internal signal, an external input signal, or constant zero. The components are then concatenated in LSB to MSB order, and optionally summed with subaddress_offset to get the final subaddress.

This key must be set to a list of dictionaries, of which the structure is defined here.

This key is optional. Not specifying it is equivalent to specifying an empty list.


This key allows you to specify a constant offset for the subaddress. The value is added to the result of the logic specified by the subaddress key using a full adder before it is passed to the field. This behavior can not always be emulated by entries in the subaddress key alone due to the ripple carry logic.

Note that subaddresses are usually word-oriented. Fields can be non-power-of-two-bytes wide, so byte addresses are often meaningless.

The following values are supported:

  • 0 (default): no offset is applied.

  • a different integer: the given (word) offset is applied to the subaddress.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (0) is used.


This value specifies whether this field descriptor describes a single field or an array of fields.

By default, the individual fields are placed in the same register, as if they were concatenated in LSB to MSB order. This can be customized using the field-repeat, stride, and field-stride keys.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): the descriptor describes a single field.

  • an integer above or equal to 1: the descriptor describes an array field of the given size.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This value specifies how many times this field is repeated within each logical register before moving on to the next logical register. For example, a field descriptor with a repeat of 7 and a field-repeat of 3 may look like this:

Address Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
Base Field 2 Field 1 Field 0
Base + 4 Field 5 Field 4 Field 3
Base + 8 Field 6

With field-repeat set to null instead, they get grouped in the same logical register, despite becoming wider than the bus (refer to the docs for bitrange for more info):

Address Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
Base Field 3 Field 2 Field 1 Field 0
(cont.) Field 6 Field 5 Field 4

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): all fields are placed in the same logical register.

  • 1: each field gets its own logical register.

  • an integer above or equal to 2: the given amount of fields are placed in each logical register.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This value specifies by how many blocks the address should be advanced when moving to the next logical register due to field-repeat < repeat.

The following values are supported:

  • 1 (default): the address is incremented by one block. Note that this default is not correct when the logical register is wider than the bus.

  • a different integer: the address is incremented by this amount of blocks each time. Negative numbers can be used for big-endian indexation.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (1) is used.


This value specifies by how many bits the bitrange low/high indices should be advanced when moving to the next field within a single logical register.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): the bit index is incremented by the width of the field.

  • an integer: the bit index is incremented by this amount of bits each time. Negative values are allowed, as long as the base bitrange is high enough to prevent the final bit indices from falling below zero.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.

Metadata keys

This configuration structure is used to name and document the field.

More information about this structure may be found here.

The following configuration keys are used to configure this structure.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This optional configuration structure can be used to name and document the logical register that this field resides in.

Registers can have the same or different metadata attached to them based on the bus access mode (read/write). In the presence of multiple metadata sources, the first one encountered in the following list is used for the read metadata:

  • the register metadata for the least significant readable field in the logical register that carries it;
  • the register metadata for the least significant writable field in the logical register that carries it;
  • generated from the field metadata for the least significant readable field.
  • generated from the field metadata for the least significant writable field.

The generated metadata copies the mnemonic from the field, and uses the field's name with '_reg' suffix for the name. The generated brief just lists the fields in the register.

The priority list is the same for writes, but with points 1 and 2 flipped around (3 and 4 are NOT flipped). If the metadata for the two access modes resolves to the same object, the register is documented once as being R/W, even if some fields are read- or write-only and/or overlap that way. Otherwise, it is documented twice, once as read-only and once as write-only.

For example, in the 16550 UART, register 0/DLAB 0 is commonly referred to as the receiver buffer register (RBR) in read mode and the transmitter holding register (THR) in write mode, so you might want to document them separately. On the other hand, you could also document them once as a FIFO access register (FAR, for instance). This is mostly a matter of taste.

More information about this structure may be found here.

The following configuration keys are used to configure this structure. This structure is optional, so it is legal to not specify any of them, except when this structure is required by context.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


These keys describe which AXI4L ar_prot values are acceptable for read transactions. By default, the ar_prot field is ignored, so all masters can read from the field(s). These keys have no effect for write-only fields.

More information about this structure may be found here.

The following configuration keys are used to configure this structure.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


These keys describe which AXI4L aw_prot values are acceptable for write transactions. By default, the aw_prot field is ignored, so all masters can write to the field(s). These keys have no effect for read-only fields.

More information about this structure may be found here.

The following configuration keys are used to configure this structure.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.

Interface keys

These keys specify how the VHDL entity interface is generated.

More information about this structure may be found here.

The following configuration keys are used to configure this structure.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.


This key is documented here.