custom behavior

Custom fields allow you to describe the behavior of the field using VHDL snippits. This is very powerful, but not for the faint-hearted. Also, with great power comes great responsibility: you can easily break vhdmmio's generated entities by writing incorrect code. Furthermore, vhdmmio's internal template engine can execute arbitrary Python code, so building a register file from an untrusted source that contains custom fields is a big security risk. Therefore, vhdmmio requires you to specify --trusted on the command line to be able to use these fields.

vhdmmio implements custom fields in a tightly integrated way; it doesn't just copypaste your code directly into the generated output file. Instead, it lets you write code snippits for various actions, that get executed within the generated VHDL process at the appropriate times. This is exactly how the predefined field behaviors are programmed within vhdmmio - custom fields basically just allow direct access to this API. The big advantage of this is that you still don't need to worry about things like the AXI4L interface or interoperability with any other fields in the logical register or register file, but it does mean that you need to specify quite some metadata to vhdmmio to make things work, and that you need a good understanding of how vhdmmio's generated VHDL code works.

Specifying field behavior

The behavior of a field needs to be specified in two different ways. The first is obvious: (templates for) the VHDL code that gets inserted into the generated entity. The second consists of a more abstract description of the field's capabilities and characteristics, which vhdmmio uses to generate the glue logic between the fields and the AXI4L bus, the header files for accessing the registers, and in some cases the documentation.

vhdmmio allows you to specify the following VHDL code blocks. Note that vhdmmio's generated entity is entirely synchronous and uses variables to maintain state, so the order of the blocks is important; the blocks are listed in the order in which they are executed.

  • pre-access: this code block is executed every clock cycle before the AXI4L bus access is handled.
  • read: this code block is executed when the bus is trying to read the field, and the bus interface logic is ready for the field's response.
  • read-lookahead: like read, but the bus interface logic is not yet ready for the response.
  • read-request: this code block is executed when a read request for the field is available, regardless of whether the bus interface logic is ready for the response.
  • read-response: this code block is executed when one of the above blocks deferred a read, and the bus interface logic is ready for the response.
  • write, write-lookahead, write-request, and write-response: the write analogues for the above.
  • post-access: this code block is executed every clock cycle after the AXI4L bus access is handled.

For more information about each block, refer to the documentation below.

vhdmmio needs the following metadata in addition to the code blocks:

  • whether the read/read-request/write/write-request code blocks can block a bus access (that is, delay the bus response);
  • whether reads/writes are volatile (that is, the result of accessing the field once differs from accessing it twice);
  • how the field can be accessed without affecting its state, if this is possible at all (used when a different field within a single logical register is to be accessed).

This metadata is also used to determine whether two fields can coexist within the same register. The rules are:

  • blocking fields cannot be combined with other blocking fields;
  • blocking fields cannot be combined with volatile fields;
  • fields that support multiple outstanding requests cannot be combined with any other field.

Template syntax

vhdmmio uses a custom template engine to preprocess VHDL code. The code blocks specified in for custom fields pass through this template engine as well.

The template engine is controlled using three characters that are normally not used in VHDL: |, $, and @. Each corresponds to a different phase of the template logic.

Indentation stripping phase (|)

In this phase, all whitespace at the start of a line followed by a | is stripped. This allows you to indent your template however you want, without this indentation appearing in the generated code block. If you need to start a line with an | for some reason, simply prefix a second |; the substitution is only done once per line.

Substitution phase ($)

This is the most important phase, dealing with substitutions and conditionals, similar to the functionality of the C preprocessor.

The template engine supports both inline and single-line directives. Single-line directives start with a $, followed by any amount of whitespace, followed by a command, followed by some arguments depending on the command. There should not be any whitespace before the $ sign; to indent such commands you need to use the | syntax described above. Conversely, inline directives both start and end with a $ and can be anywhere on a line. To insert a $ in the output, use $$.

The following single-line directives are available:

  • $if <python-expression>: opens a conditional block based on an expression evaluated by Python.
  • $else: opens the else block for a previous $if.
  • $endif: terminates an $if or $else block.
  • $block <name>: defines/adds code to a named block. This is like #define in the C preprocessor, but multiline.
  • $end_block: terminates a block definition.
  • $<name>: inserts a previously defined block. If there are no spaces between the $ and the name, no indentation is added; otherwise one space plus the spacing between the $ and the name is added for each line.

Inline directives are always evaluated directly by Python. The result of the Python expression is cast to a string and inserted in place of the directive.

The custom field logic makes some variables available within these Python expressions. These are:

  • i: the field index within the field descriptor, or None if the field descriptor describes only one field (that is, repeat is not specified).
  • s: structure containing the VHDL identifiers for each signal/variable specified through the interfaces configuration key.

Additional variables may be available depending on the block.

Comment and wrapping phase (@)

This phase deals with generating aestetically pleasing, properly line-wrapped code regardless of the current indentation depth, which is impossible (or at least hard) to know when the template is written. The following constructs are available:

  • Lines that start with @ are treated as comments. Subsequent comment lines are treated as markdown, and are rewrapped as such to get to column 80.
  • Lines that start with @@ are also treated as comments, but are not rewrapped.
  • @@@ at the start of a line maps to a single @ in the output.
  • Inline @ are replaced with either a space or a newline followed by appropriate indentation, depending on line wrapping.
  • Inline @@ maps to a single @ in the output.

Configuration keys

This structure supports the following configuration keys.


This key specifies the interfaces and state variables that this field uses.

This key must be set to a list of dictionaries, of which the structure is defined here.

This key is optional. Not specifying it is equivalent to specifying an empty list.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed each cycle before the bus is accessed. This is usually used for initializing non-state variables and for connecting input signals to the internal state.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no pre-access code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given pre-access code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is attempting to read the field while also ready for the response.

The template must perform one of the following actions to respond to the bus.

  • Set the $ack$ boolean variable to true, and the $data$ variable to the read result. $data$ is appropriately sliced to represent the shape of the field; that is, it is sliced to an std_logic for scalar fields and to an appropriately sized std_logic_vector for vector fields.
  • Set the $nack$ boolean variable to true to respond with a slave error.
  • Set the $block$ boolean variable to true to stall. In this case, the block will be executed again the next cycle. The read-can-block key must be set in order to use this variable.
  • Set the $defer$ boolean variable to true to defer. In this case, the request logic will accept the bus request and send subsequent requests to read-lookahead blocks, while the response logic will start calling the read-response block to get the response. Such a read-response block must be specified in order to use this variable.
  • Nothing: the bus behaves as if the field does not exist. If there are no other fields in the addressed register, a decode error is returned.

In addition to the field's interfaces, the template can use the following variables:

  • $prot$: the prot field associated with the request as a 3-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $addr$: the incoming bus address for the request as a 32-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $sub$: the subaddress for the for the request as an std_logic_vector slice, of which the width depends on the field's subaddress configuration.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no read code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given read code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is attempting to read the field, but the response logic is not yet ready for the response. This can be used to initiate long transactions a few cycles earlier, or can be used in conjunction with multiple outstanding request support.

The template must perform one of the following actions to respond to the bus.

  • Set the $defer$ boolean variable to true to defer. In this case, the request logic will accept the bus request and send subsequent requests to read-lookahead blocks, while the response logic will start calling the read-response block to get the response. Such a read-response block must be specified in order to use this variable.
  • Nothing: the bus interface logic will continue to call this block in subsequent cycles until the response logic is ready, at which point the regular read block is executed instead.

In addition to the field's interfaces, the template can use the following variables:

  • $prot$: the prot field associated with the request as a 3-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $addr$: the incoming bus address for the request as a 32-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $sub$: the subaddress for the for the request as an std_logic_vector slice, of which the width depends on the field's subaddress configuration.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no read lookahead code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given read lookahead code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is attempting to read the field, regardless of whether the bus is ready for the response. It is up to the code block itself to check this where needed, using the $resp_ready$ boolean variable. Depending on this boolean, the block must respond to the access as described in the documentation for the read and read-lookahead blocks.

While uncommon, both read/read-lookahead and read-request may be specified at the same time. In this case, read/read-lookahead is executed before read-request.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no read request code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given read request code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is ready for the response of a previously deferred read.

The template must perform one of the following actions to respond to the bus.

  • Set the $ack$ boolean variable to true, and the $data$ variable to the read result. $data$ is appropriately sliced to represent the shape of the field; that is, it is sliced to an std_logic for scalar fields and to an appropriately sized std_logic_vector for vector fields.
  • Set the $nack$ boolean variable to true to respond with a slave error.
  • Set the $block$ boolean variable to true to stall. In this case, the block will be executed again the next cycle. The read-can-block key must be set in order to use this variable.
  • Nothing: the bus behaves as if the field does not exist. If there are no other fields in the addressed register, a decode error is returned.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no read response code block is needed; multiple outstandingread requests are not supported for this field.

  • a string: insert the given read response code block; this field supports multiple outstanding requests in read mode.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is attempting to write to the field while also ready for the response.

The template must perform one of the following actions to respond to the bus.

  • Set the $ack$ boolean variable to true to respond with an acknowledgement.
  • Set the $nack$ boolean variable to true to respond with a slave error.
  • Set the $block$ boolean variable to true to stall. In this case, the block will be executed again the next cycle. The write-can-block key must be set in order to use this variable.
  • Set the $defer$ boolean variable to true to defer. In this case, the request logic will accept the bus request and send subsequent requests to write-lookahead blocks, while the response logic will start calling the write-response block to get the response. Such a write-response block must be specified in order to use this variable.
  • Nothing: the bus behaves as if the field does not exist. If there are no other fields in the addressed register, a decode error is returned.

In addition to the field's interfaces, the template can use the following variables:

  • $data$: the write data for the request, appropriately sliced for the shape of the field. That is, $data$ behaves like an std_logic for scalar fields, and like an appropriately sized std_logic_vector for vector fields.
  • $strb$: the write strobe for the request. The variable has the same shape as $data$ and thus behaves as a bit strobe, even though AXI4L's strobe signal is byte-oriented. If a bit in $strb$ is zero, the respective $data$ bit is guaranteed to also be zero, and should not be written.
  • $prot$: the prot field associated with the request as a 3-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $addr$: the incoming bus address for the request as a 32-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $sub$: the subaddress for the for the request as an std_logic_vector slice, of which the width depends on the field's subaddress configuration.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no write code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given write code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is attempting to write to the field, but the response logic is not yet ready for the response. This can be used to initiate long transactions a few cycles earlier, or can be used in conjunction with multiple outstanding request support.

The template must perform one of the following actions to respond to the bus.

  • Set the $defer$ boolean variable to true to defer. In this case, the request logic will accept the bus request and send subsequent requests to write-lookahead blocks, while the response logic will start calling the write-response block to get the response. Such a write-response block must be specified in order to use this variable.
  • Nothing: the bus interface logic will continue to call this block in subsequent cycles until the response logic is ready, at which point the regular write block is executed instead.

In addition to the field's interfaces, the template can use the following variables:

  • $data$: the write data for the request, appropriately sliced for the shape of the field. That is, $data$ behaves like an std_logic for scalar fields, and like an appropriately sized std_logic_vector for vector fields.
  • $strb$: the write strobe for the request. The variable has the same shape as $data$ and thus behaves as a bit strobe, even though AXI4L's strobe signal is byte-oriented. If a bit in $strb$ is zero, the respective $data$ bit is guaranteed to also be zero, and should not be written.
  • $prot$: the prot field associated with the request as a 3-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $addr$: the incoming bus address for the request as a 32-bit std_logic_vector.
  • $sub$: the subaddress for the for the request as an std_logic_vector slice, of which the width depends on the field's subaddress configuration.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no write lookahead code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given write lookahead code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is attempting to write to the field, regardless of whether the bus is ready for the response. It is up to the code block itself to check this where needed, using the $resp_ready$ boolean variable. Depending on this boolean, the block must respond to the access as described in the documentation for the write and write-lookahead blocks.

While uncommon, both write/write-lookahead and write-request may be specified at the same time. In this case, write/write-lookahead is executed before write-request.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no write request code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given write request code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed when the bus is ready for the response of a previously deferred write.

The template must perform one of the following actions to respond to the bus.

  • Set the $ack$ boolean variable to true to respond with an acknowledgement.
  • Set the $nack$ boolean variable to true to respond with a slave error.
  • Set the $block$ boolean variable to true to stall. In this case, the block will be executed again the next cycle. The write-can-block key must be set in order to use this variable.
  • Nothing: the bus behaves as if the field does not exist. If there are no other fields in the addressed register, a decode error is returned.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no write response code block is needed; multiple outstandingwrite requests are not supported for this field.

  • a string: insert the given write response code block; this field supports multiple outstanding requests in write mode.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies the VHDL template for the code block that is executed each cycle after the bus is accessed. This is usually used for connecting the internal state to output signals.

The following values are supported:

  • null (default): no pre-access code block is needed.

  • a string: insert the given pre-access code block.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (null) is used.


This key specifies whether the field can block read accesses.

The following values are supported:

  • no (default): this field cannot block reads.

  • yes: this field can block reads.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (no) is used.


This key specifies whether the field is volatile in read mode. vhdmmio defines volatility as the read result or side effects being different when the field is accessed once versus when it is accessed more than once.

The following values are supported:

  • no (default): this field is not read-volatile.

  • yes: this field is read-volatile.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (no) is used.


This key specifies whether reads have side effects.

The following values are supported:

  • no (default): reading this field does not have side effects.

  • yes: reading this field may have side effects.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (no) is used.


This key specifies whether the read data carries the same significance as the write data. If this is not set, vhdmmio will never attempt to read-modify-write this field.

The following values are supported:

  • no (default): the read and write data of this field are not related.

  • yes: the read and write data of this field are related.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (no) is used.


This key specifies whether the field can block write accesses.

The following values are supported:

  • no (default): this field cannot block writes.

  • yes: this field can block writes.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (no) is used.


This key specifies whether the field is volatile in write mode. vhdmmio defines volatility as the write result or side effects being different when the field is accessed once versus when it is accessed more than once.

The following values are supported:

  • no (default): this field is not write-volatile.

  • yes: this field is write-volatile.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (no) is used.


This key specifies what strategies vhdmmio can use to write the logical register that this field resides in without affecting this field, if this is possible at all.

The following values are supported:

  • never (default): it is impossible to write to this field without side effects.

  • zero: writing zero to this field never has any side effects (flags).

  • current: writing the current value never has any side effects. The current value must either be known from context, or, if read-write-related is set, can be read from the field first (read-modify-write).

  • mask: this field can only be masked out using the AXI4L byte strobe signal.

  • current-or-mask: this field can be masked out by writing the current value, or through the AXI4L byte strobe signal.

  • always: anything goes: writing to this field never has any side effects that vhdmmio has to concern itself with.

This key is optional unless required by context. If not specified, the default value (never) is used.